About Us

Razi Artificial intelligence association was established in 2023 by a multi-displenary group of passionate students at Razi university, Iran.

Our association is dedicated to the promotion of AI education. Through various workshops, seminars and competitions, we aim to raise knowledge and awareness about the latest trends in AI.

AI research is another major pillar of our activities. By encouraging research initiatives among our members, delving deep into AI research topics and creating new datasets we hope to contribute to the advancement of the field.

We are only at the beginning of our journey. Our team is always looking for like-minded new members who also want to grow, learn and shape the future through AI. For more information, feel free to reach out to us via our social media.


Abdolhossein Fathi

Consultant Professor

Abdolhossein Fathi is an associate professor with the Department of Computer Engineering and Information Technology, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran. His research interests include image and video processing, pattern recognition, medical image analysis, data compression, biometric analysis, and HDLs hardware modeling (VHDL). These days, he is the manager of the Information Technology (IT) center with Razi University.


Parsa Toopchinezhad

Council Chairman

A fourth-year computer engineering student at Razi University, passionate about all things AI. His main interests consist of reinforcement learning and computer network optimization

Laya Hamekhani

Council Member

A third year computer engineering student at Razi university. Passionate about using LLMs to solve real world tasks, her main areas of interest include NLP, fine-tuning models and image processing

Danial Jahansooz

Council Member

Mechanical engineering sophomore at Razi university. He is interested in the intersection of AI with mechanics where fascinating fields such as mechatronics and autonomous robotics are to be found

Nima Daryabandeh

Council Member

A third year computer engineering student at Razi university. Experienced with low level programming, his primary focus is on AI from a computer hardware and operating system perspective

Dorta Almasi

Council Member

Senior computer engineering student at Razi university. She is dedicated to increasing public awareness about recent AI trends and technology through content creation and education
